论文作者:邱振伟 周采 骆靓鉴
文章页码:25 - 28
关键词:Fe-3.2%Si合金; 初次再结晶; 立方织构
Key words:Fe-3.2%Si Alloy; Primary Recrystallization; Cube Texture
摘 要:Fe-3.2%Si合金通过真空退火发生二次再结晶,最终可形成立方织构电工钢。其中初次再结晶后的晶粒是发生二次再结晶的晶核。通过电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术和取向成像显微(OIM)技术研究了硅钢初次再结晶对最终立方织构形成的影响。通过冷轧压下量70%和不同退火温度的工艺处理,研究了退火温度对初次再结晶的影响;发现在低温650℃下初次再结晶,形成的初次再结晶晶核有利于最终形成立方织构。
Abstract: Fe-3%Si alloy was used to obtain cube texture electrical steels through secondary recrystallization in vacuum environment. Primary recrystallization on formation of cube texture in electrical steels was studied by Electron Back Scatting Diffraction (EBSD) and Orientation Imaging Microscopy. Different deformation reduction of cold rolling and temperature at ultimate annealing were investigated. Through deformation reduction 70% and primary recrystallization at 650 ℃ could obtain sharp cube texture.