

论文作者:王登峰 曹平周 王元清 石永久

文章页码:4228 - 4238


Key words:structural engineering; buckling of thin-walled cylindrical shells; nonlinear finite element; cutout; wind load

摘    要:基于某脱硫塔大型薄壁圆柱钢壳为工程背景,采用非线性有限元方法系统地研究有圆形开洞的圆柱壳在风荷载作用下的屈曲模态和屈曲承载力,分析开洞位置、开洞尺寸对于柱壳抗风稳定性的影响。根据大量计算结果,划定开洞不利区域,并根据开洞对柱壳抗风稳定承载力的影响提出判断孔洞直径的标准。研究结果表明:进行开洞圆柱壳的抗风稳定性验算时,先要确定最不利的过风方向。在开洞不利区域内开大洞时,孔洞会使柱壳抗风稳定承载力明显降低,需要考虑开洞对柱壳抗风稳定性的影响。在壳体上开洞不利区域以外区域开洞,或者在开洞不利区内开小洞,开洞的影响较小,可不考虑其对柱壳抗风稳定性的影响。在开洞不利区域,随着开洞直径的增大,柱壳抗风稳定承载力降低。在壳体上开洞不利区以外区域开洞时,随着开洞直径的增大,柱壳抗风稳定承载力基本保持不变。

Abstract: Systematical investigations were conducted into the buckling mode and buckling capacity of the large-scale thin-walled cylindrical shells of a practical desulphurizing tower with circular cutout under wind loading by nonlinear finite element method. The influences of the cutout position and cutout size on the buckling behavior of cylindrical shells under wind loading were investigated. Based on a great many computation results, the unfavorable cutout region was delimited. The criterion for cutout size to judge whether the cutout is large or small was proposed on the basis of the influence of cutout on the buckling capacity. The results show that when checking the buckling capacity of cylinder with cutout against wind loading, it is supposed to firstly define the most unfavorable wind crossing direction. When the large cutout is situated in the unfavorable cutout region, it is necessary to take the influence of cutout into account for the check of wind resistance as the cutout will reduce the buckling capacity significantly. When the small cutout is situated in the unfavorable cutout region, or the cutout is situated out of such region no matter whether the cutout is large or small, it is unnecessary to take account of the influence of cutout for the check of wind buckling capacity. The buckling capacity under wind load decreases as the cutout size increases when the cutout is situated in the unfavorable cutout region. The buckling capacity approximately keeps constant as the cutout size increases when the cutout is situated out of the unfavorable cutout region.

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