论文作者:陈振华 王云 周多三 蒋向阳
文章页码:46 - 51
关键词:粉末冶金; 爆炸成形; 制粉/快速冷凝; 准晶
Key words:powder metallurgy; explosive compaction; powder process/rapid solidification; quasicrystalline
摘 要:给出了一种大块准晶材料的制取方法,并且对所得材料的性能进行了研究。采用快速凝固制取几乎完全为二十面体相的准晶粉末,通过爆炸成形得到大块准晶材料。研究结果表明,在Al-Mn,Al-Cr和Al-Mn-Cr合金系列中,调整合金成分和冷却速度能够制得几乎完全为二十面体相的Al77.5Mn22.5,Al82Cr18和Al78Mn18Cr4准晶粉末,经爆炸成形后,所得的大块准晶材料仍然保持其二十面体相结构。
Abstract: A method to prepare bulk materials of quasicrystalline alloys was given inthis paper. Quasicrystalline powders with single icosahedral phase were producedby rapid solidification technology, and bulk samples of the quasicrystallinealloys were obtained by explosive compacting of the powders. The experimentalresults show that in Al-Mn, Al-Cr and Al-Mn-Cr alloy systems, the quasicry-stalline powders with single icosahedral phase can be obtained by controllingcooling rates for the Al-22.5 at% Mn, Al-18 at%Cr and Al-18 at% Mn-4 at%Cralloys. The bulk samples of the quasicrystalline alloys can be prepared byexplosive compaction of these quasicrystalline powders, and they retainedstructure of the icosahedral phase. The properties of the bulk materials werealso investigated.