建立了激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱测定高纯金中Mg,Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Se,Pd,Ag,Sn,Sb,Pb,Bi,Te 16种痕量元素的分析方法。测试参数优化实验表明在线扫描模式下,激光能量为100%,剥蚀孔径为200μm,扫描速率为60μm·s-1,载气流量为0.6 L·min-1条件下,信号强度高,稳定性好。尝试用纯铜标样建立了部分元素相对灵敏度因子,对归一化法结果进行修正,提高了方法准确度。方法的相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation,RSD)为3.8%~21.0%,方法的仪器检出限为0.0008~0.1900μg·g-1。可满足高纯度金样品低损耗检测需求。
Determination of Trace Elements in High Purity Gold by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Chen Xiaofeng Hu Fangfei Zang Muwen Sun Zeming Liu Ying Tong Jian
Guobiao(Beijing)Testing & Certification Co.,Ltd.,General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals
High purity gold has been widely used in electrical resistance measurement,gold solder on aircraft,missiles and rockets,and other fields. Impurity elements would affect its physical and chemical properties,so it was necessary to accurately determine the content of these impurity elements. Laser ablation plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS)was an in-situ,micro-area and trace element analysis technique developed rapidly at the beginning of this century. LA-ICP-MS could realize solid-sample injection,and avoid the interference of some polyatomic ions caused by solution injection. LA-ICP-MS was used to determine trace impurity elements in pure gold in this paper. Lsx-213 Nd:YAG laser ablation system was connected with Agilent 7700 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. The working conditions of the laser denudation instrument were optimized. A high purity copper reference material used for testing two nonmetallic elements P and S and ten metal elements of Fe,Ni,Zn,As,Sn,Sb,Pb,Bi,Se and Te. Then,the relative sensitivity factor of elements was determined according to the standard values of high purity copper reference material. The element abundance and the signal value related to the matrix element were taken,and the concentration of each element was calculated by normalization method. Finally,the relative sensitivity factor(RSF)was used to correct the results. The test results were compared with those of ICP-MS and GDMS. Through a series of experiments,the working conditions of the laser denudation instrument were optimized.The laser energy was 100%,the laser scanning rate was 60 μm·s-1,the denudation aperture was 200 μm,and the carrier gas velocity was 0.6 L·min-1. Because it was difficult to obtain high purity gold reference materials,pure copper reference materials with similar properties to gold were used to estimate the relative sensitivity factors of some elements. The relative sensitivity factor of each element was as follows:Fe 1.21,Ni1.15,Zn 0.93,As 0.23,Se 1.33,Sn 3.62,Sb 2.13,Te 1.01,Pb 1.74 and Bi 2.36. The results before and after correction were compared with those of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS)and glow discharge mass spectrometry(GDMS)indicating the reliability and practicability of using relative sensitivity factor to correct analysis results. A method for the determination of impurity elements in high purity gold by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was established. The parameters of laser ablation system were optimized,and the signal values of each element could be obtained stably. The detection limit was between 0.0008 and 0.1900 μg·g-1,which was less than that of ICP-MS. The relative standard deviation of method was between 3.8% and 21.0%,which was consistent with that of GD-MS with good accuracy and precision. The results showed that pure copper and pure gold had the same trend in laser ablation parameter optimization,and had similar optimal condition parameters,which indicated that pure copper and pure gold had similar denudation behavior,and the feasibility of pure copper reference material replacing pure gold reference materials in the test was determined. The results of calibration of Fe,Ni,As,Sb,Pb by relative sensitivity factor were closer to those of ICP-MS and GD-MS,which proved the reliability and practicability of using the relative sensitivity factor of pure copper. The test results showed that this method could be used for near non-destructive and rapid detection of highpurity gold.