论文作者:张传福 钟大龙
文章页码:286 - 290
关键词:优势区相图; 化学势最小约束原理; 计算机绘图
Key words:predominance phase diagram; the constrained chemical potential minimization method; computer graphics
摘 要:根据国内外的优势区相图计算机研究状况,作者采用化学势最小约束原理开发了一种新算法,并给出了新算法的程序框图和应用实例.新算法通用性强,效率高,便于计算机处理,能自动回收数据.
Abstract: Algorithms which calculate predominance phase diagram are briefly reviewed.An efficient algorithm based on the constrained chemical potential minimization method is proposed for computing these diagrams. The programming sheet and typical examples are also presented. This general algorithm is directly amenable to computer treatment and automatic data retrieval.