
Control of relay structure on mineralization of sedimentary- exhalative ore deposit in growth faults of graben systems


论文作者:奚小双 汤静如 孔华 何绍勋

文章页码:340 - 345

Key words:exhalative ore deposits; growth fault in graben systems; relay ramp in normal faults; metallegenesis ofbasins

Abstract: Based on the study of ore deposits and orebody structures of two sedimentary-exhalative ore deposits,i.e., Changba and Xitieshan Ore Deposits, it is found that the structural patterns of metallogenic basin of seafloor exhalative sulfide deposits in the ancient graben systems are controlled by relay structures in normal faults. The shapes of metallogenic basins are composed of tilting ramp, fault-tip ramp and relay ramp, which dominate migration of gravity current of ore-hosted fluid and shape of orebody sedimentary fan in the ramp. By measuring and comparing the difference of length-to-thickness ratios of orebody sedimentary fan, the result shows that the occurrence of the ramp has a remarkable impact on the shape of orebody.


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