


论文作者:刘健勤 魏敏洁 刘其兴 蔡自兴

文章页码:339 - 344

关键词:信息论; 人工智能; 进化计算

Key words:information theory; artificial intelligence; evolutionary computation

摘    要:提出了一种新的进化计算策略,综合了信息论测度与最优决策过程,提出并证明了该计算体系的有关性质和定理.该进化计算策略有助于非线性系统的自适应辩识和预测,具有较为广泛的应用前景.

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel evolutionary computation strategy which integrates information theory measure and optimal decision making process.Attribute theorems concerning the computational system have been proposed and proven.The evolutionary computation strategy is helpful to the adaptive identification and prediction of nonlinear system and it is perspective to the broad applications.



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