


论文作者:李同彬 姚若华 陈波

文章页码:1 - 4

关键词:漏钢预报; 数学模型; 神经网络; 逻辑判断; 结晶器

Key words:breakout prediction; mathematical model; neural network; logic judgment; mould

摘    要:漏钢预报系统属于高效连铸生产的关键工艺和装备。作为漏钢预报核心技术的模型是目前技术开发和运用的热点和难点。本文从连铸漏钢预报工程技术实际出发,总结铸坯振痕和裂纹生成的规律,介绍了坯壳生长热力学模型及其振痕、厚度模型;同时基于漏钢预报流行的热电偶测温方法,介绍了结晶器埋设热电偶间距的优化模型、基于结晶器铜板热传播的漏钢预报逻辑判断模型、热电偶网络化的漏钢预报逻辑判断模型及其神经网络模型,并对这些模型在现场的实际应用效果进行了评价。

Abstract: Breakout prediction system(BOPS) is a key technical equipment of high efficient continuous casting technique.As a core technology of breakout prediction system,mathematical model is hot spot and nodus in development and application of the technology.Based on engineering practices of breakout prediction in continuous casting system,creating law of oscillation mark and crack in slab are summarized.Thermodynamic model for growth of steel shell and its oscillation mark,thickness models are introduced.Based on thermocouple temperature measurement method which is popular in breakout prediction,optimizing model for space between thermocouples embedded in mould,logic judgement model of breakout prediction,prediction judgement model of thermocouple networking and neural network model are described.Moreover,practical application effects of those models are analyzed and evaluated.





摘 要:漏钢预报系统属于高效连铸生产的关键工艺和装备。作为漏钢预报核心技术的模型是目前技术开发和运用的热点和难点。本文从连铸漏钢预报工程技术实际出发,总结铸坯振痕和裂纹生成的规律,介绍了坯壳生长热力学模型及其振痕、厚度模型;同时基于漏钢预报流行的热电偶测温方法,介绍了结晶器埋设热电偶间距的优化模型、基于结晶器铜板热传播的漏钢预报逻辑判断模型、热电偶网络化的漏钢预报逻辑判断模型及其神经网络模型,并对这些模型在现场的实际应用效果进行了评价。

关键词:漏钢预报; 数学模型; 神经网络; 逻辑判断; 结晶器

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