论文作者:李新海 刘建华 郭炳昆 王志兴 蒋汉瀛
文章页码:46 - 48
关键词:Ni(OH)2; 微电极; 循环伏安; 扩散系数
Key words:Ni(OH)2; microelectrode; cycling voltammetry; diffusion coefficient
摘 要:采用循环伏安法研究了Ni(OH)2粉末微电极,认为Ni(OH)2微电极电化学过程是一个准可逆过程且电极反应在Ni(OH)2/NiOOH之间进行.研究了在阳极过程中掺杂元素对Ni(OH)2质子扩散系数的影响,发现掺Co后比纯Ni(OH)2的扩散系数提高近1倍,而掺Zn后则扩散系数有所降低.掺Co和Zn后Ni(OH)2电极的析氧电位均比纯Ni(OH)2的析氧电位有所提高.
Abstract: The cycling voltammetry was used to study the powder microelectrode of Ni(OH) 2. It was demonstrated that the electrochemical process for the Ni(OH)2 microelectrode was a pseudo reversible one and the electrode reaction proceeded between Ni(OH)2 and NiOOH. The effects of the additive elements Co and Zn on the proton diffusion coefficients in the anodic process were investigated. The experimental results showed that the proton diffusion coefficient was approximately doubled with the addition of Co. However it slightly decreases after the addition of Zn. The oxygen evolution potential for the nickel microelectrode added with Co and Zn was a little bigger than that of the pure Ni(OH)2 microelectrode.