论文作者:薛光 鞠军 杨春东
文章页码:52 - 53
关键词:含金电子元件废料; 湿法提取; 金
Key words:waste electronic component containing-gold; wet method extraction; gold
摘 要:研制了一种从含金电子元件废料中提取金的新工艺方法。该方法是将含金废料经SB试剂预处理,除去杂质,然后将含金渣采用混合溶金试剂进行浸金,制得的含金贵液以混合还原剂SE进行还原;经二次提纯,得到的金锭纯度达99.9%,回收率达99.5%。该工艺具有操作简便、设备投资少、成本低,金的纯度高,对环境污染小等特点。
Abstract: A new technology to extract gold from waste electronic components containing-gold is studied.Firstly,SB reagent is used to remove the impurities for pretreatment;secondly,gold is leached from the gold-containing slag with mixed gold-leaching reagent and the pregnant solution is reduced with mixed reductive agent SE;finally,after secondary purification,the purity of spronge gold can reach 99.9% and the recovery rate of gold is higher than 99.5%.The technology has the following characters,simple,environment friendly,high-purity,low cost and investment.
摘 要:研制了一种从含金电子元件废料中提取金的新工艺方法。该方法是将含金废料经SB试剂预处理,除去杂质,然后将含金渣采用混合溶金试剂进行浸金,制得的含金贵液以混合还原剂SE进行还原;经二次提纯,得到的金锭纯度达99.9%,回收率达99.5%。该工艺具有操作简便、设备投资少、成本低,金的纯度高,对环境污染小等特点。
关键词:含金电子元件废料; 湿法提取; 金