
A new backtracking-based sparsity adaptive algorithm fordistributed compressed sensing


论文作者:XU Yong ZHANG Yu-Jie XING Jing LI Hong-wei

文章页码:3946 - 3956

Key words:distributed compressed sensing; sparsiy; backtracking; soft thresholding

Abstract: A new iterative greedy algorithm based on the backtracking technique was proposed for distributed compressed sensing (DCS) problem. The algorithm applies two mechanisms for precise recovery soft thresholding and cutting. It can reconstruct several compressed signals simultaneously even without any prior information of the sparsity, which makes it a potential candidate for many practical applications, but the numbers of non-zero (significant) coefficients of signals are not available. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the validity and high performance of the proposed algorithm, as compared to other existing strong DCS algorithms.


A new backtracking-based sparsity adaptive algorithm fordistributed compressed sensing

XU Yong(徐勇)1, 2, 3 , ZHANG Yu-Jie(张玉洁)1, XING Jing(邢婧)1, 2, 3, LI Hong-wei(李宏伟)1, 3

(1. School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;
2. Institute of Statistics, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan 430205, China;
3. Hubei Subsurface Multi-scale Imaging Key Laboratory, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract:A new iterative greedy algorithm based on the backtracking technique was proposed for distributed compressed sensing (DCS) problem. The algorithm applies two mechanisms for precise recovery soft thresholding and cutting. It can reconstruct several compressed signals simultaneously even without any prior information of the sparsity, which makes it a potential candidate for many practical applications, but the numbers of non-zero (significant) coefficients of signals are not available. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the validity and high performance of the proposed algorithm, as compared to other existing strong DCS algorithms.

Key words:distributed compressed sensing; sparsiy; backtracking; soft thresholding

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