

论文作者:刘伟锋 贾锐 朱鹏春 张杜超 陈霖 卢苏君 杨天足

文章页码:1182 - 1192


Key words:waste printed circuit boards; copper; pressurized oxidation; shaking table; tin

摘    要:废印刷线路板是重要的城市矿产资源,因其成分复杂导致其处理难度大。在详细总结废印刷线路板回收利用方法的基础上,针对主流的废印刷线路板火法冶金处理工艺存在的锡铅锌等杂质金属分散和有机物燃烧释放有害气体的问题,提出一种基于选冶联合的废印刷线路板铜粉源头除杂的技术路线:废印刷线路板铜粉通过碱性加压氧化浸出,使锡铅锌等杂质金属溶解进入浸出液,锡浸出率>98.2%,浸出液经硫化净化脱除杂质,铅和锌的沉淀率>99.5%,净化液经电积产出98.0%的粗锡;浸出渣中废印刷线路板基体和阻焊油等有机物从铜箔表面剥离,采用摇床使之分离,有机物脱除率>50.0%。采用选冶联合的方法脱除了废印刷线路板铜粉中的大部分锡杂质金属和有机物,为后续火法炼铜提供了优质原料,为废印刷线路板铜粉在火法炼铜系统的高效处理提供了新的技术路线。

Abstract: The waste printed circuit boards are important urban mineral resources. However, it is difficult to treat and utilize due to its complicated composition. In this study, the current recycling technologies from waste printed circuit boards were reviewed. Aiming at the adverse effects of tin, lead, zinc and organics on pyrometallurgy treatments of waste printed circuit boards, a technical route for removing impurities from copper powder of waste printed circuit boards using the combination method of beneficiation and metallurgy was proposed. The copper powders of waste circuit board were leached in an alkaline solution by pressurized oxidation process. Tin, lead, zinc and other impurity metals were leached into the leaching solution, and the leaching rate was above 98.2%.The leaching solution was purified by sulfide precipitation, and the precipitation rate of lead and zinc were up to 99.5%. Then, the crude tin containing more than 98% tin was produced from the leaching solution by electrowinning. The organics in leaching residue, such as the substrate of waste circuit board and solder mask, were striped from the copper foil by shaking table, and the removal rate of organics was more than 50.0%. In this process, the impurity metal of tin and organics from copper powders of waste printed circuit boards were removed by the combination method of beneficiation and metallurgy, which provides high quality raw materials for copper pyrometallurgy. Meanwhile, this process provides a new technical route to the efficient treatment for copper powder of waste printed circuit boards in copper pyrometallurgy process.


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