
Cu-25Ni-25Ag三元合金在600 ℃和700 ℃空气中的氧化


论文作者:赵泽良 牛焱 F.Gesmundo 吴维弢

文章页码:183 - 186

关键词:三元合金; Cu-Ni-Ag; 双相合金; 氧化

Key words:ternary alloy; Cu-25Ni-25Ag; two-phase; oxidation

摘    要:研究了Cu-25Ni-25Ag合金在600 ℃和700 ℃空气中的氧化。合金由富Ag的α相与Cu-Ni固溶体β相组成。氧化速率大致服从抛物线规律,除短时间的加速氧化外,随着氧化的进行氧化速率逐渐减小。尽管存在Ag和Ni,但合金成膜速率与纯Cu的相近。在不同温度下合金都形成了外层为CuO,内层为Cu-2O,NiO和Ag颗粒组成的复杂氧化膜。同时,氧化膜最前沿的Cu-Ni固溶体颗粒仅表面部分氧化,未氧化的内核被连续NiO所包围。

Abstract: The oxidation of Cu-25Ni-25Ag alloy at 600 ℃ and 700 ℃ in air was studied. The alloy contains a mixture of silver rich α phase and copper-nickel solidsolution β phase. The scaling rates of the alloy are substantially similar to that of pure copper, in spite of the presence of silver and NiO in the scales. Complex scales are formed with outermost layer of copper oxides and innerregion of a mixture of Cu 2O, NiO and a numberof silver metal particles. The particles of β phase in the innermost scale regionare oxidized only around their surface, leaving an unoxidized core surrounded by NiO.


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