


论文作者:裴英豪 陈其安 唐广波 彭云

文章页码:67 - 71

关键词:取向硅钢; 显微组织; 奥氏体相

Key words:grain oriented silicon steel; microstructure; austenite

摘    要:利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜等试验设备,研究了取向硅钢在850~1 300℃温度区间的高温组织,分析了奥氏体含量与合金成分、温度之间的关系,以及合金元素在奥氏体、铁素体中的分布情况。结果表明:不同成分的取向硅钢在1 100~1 200℃之间奥氏体相含量最多,且随着奥氏体稳定化元素含量增加,最大奥氏体相含量对应温度升高。取向硅钢中奥氏体含量与碳含量之间存在近似线性关系。

Abstract: The high temperature microstructure of grain oriented silicon steel at 850-1300℃ was studied by using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.The influences of alloy elements and temperature on austenite volume fraction and the distribution of alloy elements in austenite and ferrite were investigated.The results show that the temperature range for high temperature microstructure with maximum volume fraction of austenite phase in the grain oriented silicon steel of different chemical compositions is about 1100-1200℃,and the temperature for the maximum volume fraction of austenite phase increases with the increase of the content of austenite-stabilizing elements.There is an approximate linear relationship between the carbon content and austenite volume fraction in grain oriented silicon steel at high temperature.





摘 要:利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜等试验设备,研究了取向硅钢在850~1 300℃温度区间的高温组织,分析了奥氏体含量与合金成分、温度之间的关系,以及合金元素在奥氏体、铁素体中的分布情况。结果表明:不同成分的取向硅钢在1 100~1 200℃之间奥氏体相含量最多,且随着奥氏体稳定化元素含量增加,最大奥氏体相含量对应温度升高。取向硅钢中奥氏体含量与碳含量之间存在近似线性关系。

关键词:取向硅钢; 显微组织; 奥氏体相

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