

论文作者:刘修国 尤超 张唯

文章页码:2068 - 2072


Key words:non-linear Kriging; indicator probability model; multi-Gaussian Kriging

摘    要:在对指示克里格和多元高斯克里格估值方法进行研究的基础上,将这2种克里格估值方法用于矿产资源储量估算。首先,利用指示概率模型进行矿化带边界的确定;然后,针对已圈定的矿体,利用多元高斯克里格对矿体内的块体进行品位估值;再分别用有矿化带边界情况下的普通克里格方法和无矿化带边界情况下的多元高斯克里格方法对同一矿体进行估值计算。研究结果表明:有矿化带边界的多元高斯克里格估值方法可以克服无矿化带边界普通克里格估值方法的非平稳性和有矿化带边界普通克里格估值方法的平滑效应对估值结果的影响。

Abstract: Indicators Kriging and Multi-Gaussian Kriging were used to model mineral deposits. The indicator probability model was used to estimate the structure of the mineralization and determine the orebody boundaries. Multi-Gaussian Kriging was performed for estimating the grade distribution with domains determination by the indicator probability model. The resources of the same zone were estimated using ordinary Kriging method with domains and multi-Gaussian without domains. The results show that the multi-Gaussian Kriging with domains can overcome the non-stationary of ordinary Kriging without domains and the effect of smoothing effect of ordinary Kriging with domains on the valuation results.

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