


论文作者:谷群辉 罗安

文章页码:294 - 297


Key words:distribution network; fixed position ordered tree; algorithm

摘    要:配电网发生故障后,其供电恢复是一个带约束的多目标优化问题.采用定位有序树的结构,对配电网实时拓扑结构进行分析.通过网络拓扑简化,在考虑开关操作次数最少的前提下,结合馈线裕度、负荷恢复量等,快速形成满足系统电流、电压约束的供电恢复候选集;同时以开关操作次数、馈线裕度、负荷恢复量等为指标对各方案进行评估,找出局部最优供电恢复方案.在评价指标不增加的情况下,该局部最优即整体最优,而且发生多重故障时搜索树也不会变大.此外,对算例进行了验证,计算结果表明该方法是有效的.

Abstract: The service restoration of a distribution network after faults is a constrained multi-objective optimization problem. The authors use a fast, efficient method to construct the candidate set of feasible restoration plans satisfying the voltage and current constraints of the distribution system and evaluate them based on the following criteria: number of switching, amount of live load transfer and contingency preparedness by applying fixed position ordered tree technique. This method can generate the most preferable restoration plan for the operator. The example system results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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