文章页码:99 - 106
关键词:变形分析; 线性假设; 拟稳点; 拟稳平差; 秩亏自由网平差; 变形观测; 平差方法; 经典平差; 零假设; 残差平方和
摘 要:本文用“线性假设”法对变形观测网进行点位稳定性分析,并将它与平差方法结合,就自由网拟稳平差中拟稳点的确定进行讨论。
Abstract: This paper attempts to deal with the problem of stability of the pointsin a deformation observation network with the Linear hypothesis method,and discusses the problem of determination of some quasi-stable points in thequasi-stable adjustment of free networks in combination with the adjustmentmethods.