

论文作者:唐武 王英民 袁文芳 李华 张雷 孙希家 郑贵春

文章页码:4179 - 4187


Key words:storm deposits; tempestite; hummocky cross stratification; Huangshanjie Formation; northern Tarim Basin

摘    要:通过岩心观察及粒度分析,对塔北地区黄山街组湖相风暴沉积进行研究。研究结果表明:本区风暴岩以中细砂岩、粉砂岩为主,缺乏粗粒的砂砾岩体,局部见泥砾,发育冲刷面、丘状交错层理、递变层理、浪成沙纹层理、波状交错层理、变形构造以及生物逃逸迹等沉积构造;粒度概率曲线呈两段式,以跳跃总体为主;本区理想风暴沉积垂向序列可归纳为“似鲍马序列”,自下而上为递变层理段(Sa)、平行层理段(Sb)、丘状层理段(Sc)、浪成沙纹或波状层理段(Sd)、泥页岩段(Se),其中Sabde,Sace,Scde及Sde 4种沉积序列常见。风暴沉积物源来自于西北部的柯坪隆起以及东北部的库鲁克塔格隆起,按照其沉积特征以及与物源的关系,判定本区发育的风暴岩为过渡型和远源型风暴岩。

Abstract: Based on core observation and grain analysis, the lacustrine storm deposits in Huangshanjie Formation in northern Tarim Basin were studied. The results show that they are mainly composed of middle-fine sandstone and siltstone, being short of coarse sandy conglomerate with bounder clay locally developed. Several typical storm sedimentary structures are recognized, including surface of scour, hommocky cross stratification, graded bedding, wave-ripple bedding, wavy bedding, deformation structures, as well as life-escaping structures. Grain-size probability curves show obvious two-section pattern, with saltation population mainly developed. The ideal storm sequence of this area is a Bouma-like sequence, and from bottom to top consists five segments, namely graded bedding(Sa), parallel bedding(Sb), hummocky cross stratification(Sc), wave-ripple or wavy bedding(Sd), mudstone segment(Se), with Sabde, Sace, Scde and Sde sequences commonly developed. There are two provenances for storm deposits in this area, of which one comes from northwestern Kalpin Uplift, and the other comes from northeastern Kuruketage Uplift. Judging from the sedimentary features and its relationship with provenances, the tempestites of this area are transtional or distal tempestite.

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