Abstract: The wear characteristics of boron carbide without and with pre-oxidation at 1073K for 1h were investigated with point contact microscope (PCM). The results show that boron carbide without pre-oxidation possesses excellent wear resistant capability. On the contrary, the wear depth of oxidized sample is much more deeper than that of without pre-oxidation one. For both samples, with and without pre-oxidation, the wear depth increases remarkably as the normal load rises, and the scanning speed has no notable effect on wear depth. The wear depth of the sample without oxidation increases linearly with scanning cycles, inferring that the sample is uniform longitudinally. The relation between the wear depth and scanning cycles on oxidized sample infers that the thickness of H3BO3 surface film is about 120-140nm.
Influence of pre-oxidation treatment on nano wear properties of boron carbide ceramic
The wear characteristics of boron carbide without and wit h pre-oxidation at 1 073 K for 1 h were investigated with point contact micros cope (PCM). The results show that boron carbide without pre-oxidation possesses excellent wear resistant capability. On the contrary, the wear depth of oxidize d sample is much more deeper than that of without pre-oxidation one. For both s amples, with and without pre-oxidation, the wear depth increases remarkably as the normal load rises, and the scanning speed has no notable effect on wear dept h. The wear depth of the sample without oxidation increases linearly with scanni ng cycles, inferring that the sample is uniform longitudinally. The relation bet ween the wear depth and scanning cycles on oxidized sample infers that the thic kness of H 3BO 3 surface film is about 120-140 nm.