In vitro biocompatibility of titanium-nickel alloy with titanium oxide film by H2O2 oxidation


论文作者:胡涛 储成林 尹立红 浦跃朴 董寅生 郭超 盛晓波 钟志源 朱剑豪

文章页码:553 - 553

Key words:NiTi shape memory alloy; titanium oxide film; biocompatibility; wettability; cytocompatibility

Abstract: Titanium oxide film with a graded interface to NiTi matrix was synthesized in situ on NiTi shape memory alloy(SMA) by oxidation in H2O2 solution. In vitro studies including contact angle measurement, hemolysis, MTT cytotoxicity and cell morphology tests were employed to investigate the biocompatibility of the H2O2-oxidized NiTi SMAs with this titanium oxide film. The results reveal that wettability, blood compatibility and fibroblasts compatibility of NiTi SMA are improved by the coating of titanium oxide film through H2O2 oxidation treatment.

基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents(NCET) in University of Ministry of Education of Chin
the SRG grant from the Research Committee of the CityU of HK
the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers of Southeast University, China

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