文章页码:294 - 300
关键词:球磨机; 性能试验:参数
Key words:ball mills; performance test; parameter
摘 要:本文在dia.900×600mm实验型球磨机试验的基础上,导出了钢球的运动方程式,研究了功耗、钢球充填率及筒体转速率等参数之间的关系,提出了电动机功率的简略计算公式及最佳的充填率和转速率。
Abstract: This paper gives a motion equation of ball in mill by means of the experimentalinvestigation in the dia.900×600 mm ball mill of test type.The relation betweenthe power consumption,the degree of ball charge and the speed is studied.A simplecalculating formula for motor power,the optimum degree of ball charge and theoptimum speed of bail mill are also presented in this paper.