文章页码:83 - 85
关键词:计算机辅助设计; 软件; 零件工作图; 干涉
Key words:computer-aided design; software; diagrams for parts; interference
摘 要:研究了轴对称零件图尺寸的智能化标注的基本原理和计算机软件的内容及软件的设计方法、步骤.根据输入的零件轮廓参数,系统运用专家的知识与经验,可实现所有尺寸的自动标注,包括标注内容和标注位置.该标注可以使各尺寸线互不干涉,而又不出现重复,并且紧凑合理
Abstract: The paper presents the basic guidelines as intelligence criteria for sizing the diagrams of symmetric machine parts,the designing method and the contents of computer software.According to the parameters input of the machine parts,we can use experts ′ experience and technology to mark systematically all the sizes needed,including contents and location marked.The marks will not interfere with one another,thus avoiding repetition and disorder.