
Effect of Boron and Cerium on Microstructures and Properties of Cu-Fe-P Alloy


论文作者:Liu Yong Sun Baode Lu Deping Lu Lei Xie Shifang Wang Jun

Key words:boron; cerium; Cu-Fe-P alloy; microstructure; property; rare earths;

Abstract: The effects of B and Ce on the removal of inclusions, microstructures, and properties of Cu-Fe-P alloys were studied. Certain impurity elements and the microstructures, mechanical properties, and conductivity of four experimental alloys, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.05Ce, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.02B, and Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.05Ce-0.02B ( %, mass fraction), were tested and analyzed. Results show that on one hand, B and Ce have a remarkable function of removing S, Pb, and Bi from copper alloys; on the other hand, the recrystallization temperature of the Cu-Fe-P alloy is considerably increased by adding trace B and Ce, resulting in the combined strengthening effect of precipitation hardening and cold work hardening after cold working and aging, while the negative effect of B and Ce on conductivity is slight.Therefore, a good combination of high strength and conductivity is achieved.


Effect of Boron and Cerium on Microstructures and Properties of Cu-Fe-P Alloy

Liu Yong1,Sun Baode1,Lu Deping1,Lu Lei2,Xie Shifang2,Wang Jun1

(1.State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composite, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China;
2.Institute of Applied Physics, Jiangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanchang 330029, China)

Abstract:The effects of B and Ce on the removal of inclusions, microstructures, and properties of Cu-Fe-P alloys were studied. Certain impurity elements and the microstructures, mechanical properties, and conductivity of four experimental alloys, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.05Ce, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.02B, and Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.05Ce-0.02B ( %, mass fraction), were tested and analyzed. Results show that on one hand, B and Ce have a remarkable function of removing S, Pb, and Bi from copper alloys; on the other hand, the recrystallization temperature of the Cu-Fe-P alloy is considerably increased by adding trace B and Ce, resulting in the combined strengthening effect of precipitation hardening and cold work hardening after cold working and aging, while the negative effect of B and Ce on conductivity is slight.Therefore, a good combination of high strength and conductivity is achieved.

Key words:boron; cerium; Cu-Fe-P alloy; microstructure; property; rare earths;


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