论文作者:谭银元 严汉芳
文章页码:72 - 74
关键词:稀土; ZA27合金; 力学性能; 相
Key words:RE; ZA27 alloy, mechanical properties; phase
摘 要:研究了稀土对ZA27合金力学性能和组成相的分布、形状及数量的影响。结果表明 ,稀土能细化晶粒 ,提高力学性能 ,使树枝状的α相变成杆状分布 ,ε相呈弥散分布 ,α相数量变少 ,ε+η相数量增多。
Abstract: The effects of RE on mechanical properties and constituent phase distritution, shape and quantity of ZA27 alloy have been studied. The experiment results show that the RE can refine grain and raise mechanical properties; the α phase can change from bar form to branches, ε phase can distribute dispersively; α phase decreases and ε+η phase increases.