论文作者:曹明盛 唐远永 高安娟 赖耀伟 刘锦文 孔祥炎
文章页码:69 - 75
关键词:形状记忆效应; 形状记忆合金; 偏转角; 马氏体片; 热弹性马氏体; 热敏元件; 热循环; 纯金属; 马氏体转变; 温度范围
摘 要:本文论述了利用工业纯金属来制备Cu—Zn—Al形状记忆合金。研究了该合金的热弹性马氏体以及可逆形状记忆效应。薄片试样在25℃和70℃之间热循环时,能反复地自动变弯和伸直,经1000次热循环,其偏转角几乎不变,而且,在某一温度范围内,对温度很敏感。表明该合金适于作热敏元件。
Abstract: Commercial metals Were used for preparing Cu-Zn-Al shape memoryalloys in the experiment.The thermoelastic martensite and the reversibleshape memory effect of these alloys have been studied.It has been foundthat the specimen plate bent and straightened itself repeatedly in a sponta-neous manner during thermal cycling at a temperature range of 25℃ to 70℃;the deflection angle almost remained unchanged after 1000 thermal cycles;and at certain temperature range,the deflection appears to be very sensitiveto heat,thus proving these alloys suitable for making elements sensitive toheat.