论文作者:张海龙 张勤河 贺庆强 陈举华
文章页码:46 - 49
关键词:连轧轧制力; H型钢; 数学模型
Key words:continuous rolling force; H-beam; mathematical model
摘 要:通过实验手段获取Q235在高温下的应力-应变曲线,同时对Q235变形抗力经验模型进行了相关修正,采用多元回归的方法建立了H型钢连轧过程中万能轧机以及轧边机的轧制力数学模型,并给出了3种规格对H型钢连轧轧制力模型的回归系数。通过与实际轧制力对比验证后表明:模型的误差控制在5%以内,计算精度能够满足工程设计需要,可为轧制工艺参数的制定提供一定的参考。
Abstract: The stress-strain of Q235 in high temperature was obtained though thermo-mechanical test,and experiential deform-resistance model was modified with aid of data from the test,multi-linear regression analysis was adopted to establish model of H-beam rolling force.The finishing-continuous-rolling force of H-beam was analyzed.Compared with measured values,the predicted ones show relative error of less than 5% which is sufficient to satisfy the needs of the Engineering design,and it also gives a reference in a practical planning.
2.中国石油大学 机电工程学院,山东东营 257061)
摘 要:通过实验手段获取Q235在高温下的应力-应变曲线,同时对Q235变形抗力经验模型进行了相关修正,采用多元回归的方法建立了H型钢连轧过程中万能轧机以及轧边机的轧制力数学模型,并给出了3种规格对H型钢连轧轧制力模型的回归系数。通过与实际轧制力对比验证后表明:模型的误差控制在5%以内,计算精度能够满足工程设计需要,可为轧制工艺参数的制定提供一定的参考。
关键词:连轧轧制力; H型钢; 数学模型