文章页码:78 - 84
关键词:非线性电路; 电路振荡; 电路分析; 李雅普诺夫方法; 平衡点; 曲率
Key words:non-linear circuit; circuit oscillations; circuit analysis; Lyapunov’s method; equilibrium points; curvature
摘 要:HOPF 分叉定理在 n 维系统中一般形式的证明目前已有各种不同的方法,本文对它在二维系统中的局部形式,运用李雅普诺夫第二方法进行了较直接易懂的证明,并通过实例说明如何将该定理用于非线性电路与系统中所产生的接近正弦振荡的分析.
Abstract: Recently there are many methods for proving HOPF bifurcation theorem in ndimensional systems.The present paper has given a more directly and easily understood method by using Lyapunov function to prove this theorem in two-dimensional case.Some example for explaining how to apply this theorem to analysingthe nearly sinusoidal oscillation in nonlinear autonomous circuits has also been presented in this article.