文章页码:85 - 91
关键词:陀螺定向边; 导线角; 估算公式; 严密公式; 终点误差; 处理井; 严密平差; 测量成果; 导线精度; 测角精度
摘 要:本文用电子计算机按最小二乘法平差后误差计算的严密公式(5)和通用的陀螺定向导线误差估算公式(1)计算了井下8公里长高级导线的不同形状、不同测角精度mβ、不同陀螺定向精度mα;并加测了不同陀螺定向边数的陀螺定向导线最弱点的点位误差。对于这两种不同公式的计算结果进行了比较分析,得出了关于如何处理井下陀螺定向导线测量成果及正确估算其精度的结论,并提供了有关陀螺定向导线精度、所需测角、陀螺定向精度及加测陀螺定向边数的数据。
Abstract: In this paper, the author, using the rigorous formula (5) and the appro- ximate formula (1) of the least squares adjustment, computed, with TRS-80 computer, the position error of the end point of the 8kin high precision underground gyro-travering of various shapes of the traverse, different pre- cision of angle measurement and gyro orientation and different number of legs oriented by gyro. And furthermore, the results gained from the two formulas were compared and analysed. The author came to the conclusion of how to handle the results of measurement and how to correctly estimate the accuracy of the underground gyro-travering. Finally, data concerning the pre- cision of the gyro-travering, required precision of angle measurement and gyro orientation, and reguired number of legs oriented by gyro, are given.