文章页码:88 - 94
关键词:最大实体原则; 补偿值; 基准要素; 被测要素; 最大实体状态; 最小实体尺寸; 公差带位置; 最大实体尺寸; 尺寸公差; 基准孔
摘 要:本文通过分析,指出了最大实体原则应用于被测要素的补偿和应用于基准要素的补偿是两种不同性质的补偿;分析了最大实体原则应用于基准要素时补偿的规律性;通过实例分析计算,阐明了最大补偿值的计算方法。
Abstract: The tolerance additional value formed in the application of maximum material principle (MMP) is disussed in this paper. It points out that the tolerance additional value formed when MMP is applied to the datum fea- ture is different in character from that applied to the toleranced feature· lt also shows how the additional value varies and how the maximum addi- tional value is calculated when MMP is applied to the datum feature.