文章页码:345 - 347
关键词:Jordan块;平方根矩阵; Jordan标准形
Key words:Jordan block; square-rooting matrix; Jordan normal form
摘 要:基于Jordan标准形矩阵的特殊情况,讨论了一般情形的Jordan标准形矩阵J=Jml (λ1)⊕…⊕ Jml (λ1)的平方 根矩阵问题,得到了J的平方根矩阵存在的充分必要条件。
Abstract: Many experts have investigated the special Jordan normal form matrix (such as 2×2 Jordan normal form matrix ) , In this paper the author discusses the general Jordan normal form matrix J=Jml (λ1)⊕…⊕Jml(λ1), and proves the necessary and sufficient condition for the existing of square-rooting Matrices of J.