论文作者:胡咏梅 张葆俊
文章页码:23 - 27
关键词:稀土细化剂; 半固态; A356铝合金; 等温热处理; 组织演变
Key words:rare earth refiner; semi-solid; A356 alloy; isothermal heating treatment; microstructure evolution
摘 要:利用低温浇注与晶粒细化法制备了半固态A356铝合金坯料,研究了在细化剂作用下等温热处理工艺条件对其组织的影响规律.研究结果表明,稀土细化剂的加入对试样等温热处理前的铸态组织和热处理后的加热组织都有明显的改善作用,且稀土细化及低温浇注共同作用时,所获得的半固态非枝晶A356铝合金试样等温热处理最佳工艺条件为583℃下保温30 min,此时坯料触变性良好,其晶粒平均圆度达到0.83,晶粒平均等积圆直径达到80μm. 更多还原
Abstract: The semi-solid A356 alloy billet is prepared by low-temperature pouring and gain refining.This paper studies the microstructure evolution rule effected by RE refiner during isothermal heating treatment.Results show that the addition of RE refiners obvious improves A356 alloy’s microstructure of pre-isothermal casting heat treatment and post heat-treatment.The optimizing isothermal heating technology condition for the semi-solid non-dendritic A356 alloy billet,under the co-action of refining and