文章页码:84 - 91
关键词:地洼区; 构造特征; 晚古生代; 地槽区; 地洼盆地; 中生代; 地洼构造; 深断裂; 复背斜; 断裂带
摘 要:我国东北北部在古生代时具有明显的地槽区性质,然而自中生代以来,经过三迭纪短暂的侵蚀,夷平、准平原化之后,就进入一个新的大地构造发展阶段,已经转化成为地洼区。本文试图侧重从构造方面探讨本区中生代以来的大地构造特征,由地槽区迅速向地洼区转化的一些标志。
Abstract: The northern part of Northeast China was obviously a gecsyncline in the paleozoic. However, after a short period of erosion, flattening-out and peneplanaticn in Triassic time, it entered a new geotectcnic stage and was transformed into a diwa region.This paper attemps to discuss the geotectonic characteristics of the above-mentioned region since Mezozcic time and to expound some indications of rapid transformation from the geosynclinal region into the diwa one.