论文作者:尹蒂 李松仁
文章页码:280 - 286
关键词:人工智能; 专家系统; 知识库; 框架; 矿石可选性
Key words:artificial intelligence; expert system; knowledge base; frame; ore beneficiation feasibility
摘 要:本文根据人工智能的原理和方法分析了矿石可选性知识的结构和特点,选用框架/规则综合方法来表示矿石可选性知识。在综合应用现有选矿专业知识的基础上,初步构建了矿石性质和选矿工艺这两类说明型知识的框架系统,为组织和建立整个矿石可选性知识库劈出新径。
Abstract: The structure and the characteristics of the ore beneficiation feasibilityknowledge are analyzed based on foundational principle and methodology ofArtificial Intelligence in this paper. The frame/rule is used to express theknowledge of ore beneficiation feasibility. The frame system of the descriptiveknowledge, such as ore property and beneficiation technology, is developedprimarily based on the present knowledge about modern mineral processing,which is regarded as the beginning of the development of complete knowledgebase of ore beneficiation feasibility.