论文作者:毕忠伟 张志军
文章页码:233 - 235
关键词:岩石力学; 崩解特性; 抗压强度
Key words:rock mechanics; disintegration character; compressive strength
摘 要:结合湖南桃花江核电厂址的室内岩石试验,通过对粉砂质板岩、粉砂岩、板岩三类岩石进行崩解试验、物理试验以及抗压强度试验,分析了三类岩石的耐崩解指标,深入研究了崩解指标与抗压强度、软化系数等的关系,为该电厂的选址提供了依据。
Abstract: According to three kinds of rock experiments in the site of Hunan Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Factory,through the physical experiment as well as the compressive strength test for siltstone-slate,the siltstone and the slate,the disintegration indexes of three kinds of rocks were analyzed,and the relations among the disintegration indexes,the compressive strength and softens aspect had been studied.It could provide reference for the site selection of Hunan Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Factory.
摘 要:结合湖南桃花江核电厂址的室内岩石试验,通过对粉砂质板岩、粉砂岩、板岩三类岩石进行崩解试验、物理试验以及抗压强度试验,分析了三类岩石的耐崩解指标,深入研究了崩解指标与抗压强度、软化系数等的关系,为该电厂的选址提供了依据。
关键词:岩石力学; 崩解特性; 抗压强度