文章页码:41 - 44
关键词:低氧钢; 夹杂物; 全氧含量; 精炼工艺
Key words:low oxygen steel; inclusion; w([TO]); refining process
摘 要:为实现高品质低氧钢的生产,有效降低钢中全氧含量,在考虑转炉下渣、炉渣氧化性以及钢水氧活度影响的前提下,通过研究钢包渣改质技术、过程钢包渣氧化性控制技术以及相应的钢包底吹氩制度等精炼工艺,建立了转炉-连铸流程生产低氧钢的精炼工艺技术。采用该技术生产的高品质优特钢成品w([TO])≤15×10-6。
Abstract: In order to produce low oxygen steel with high quality,converter slag-tapping,slag oxidability and oxygen activity were analyzed.In addition,modifying and adding process of slag,control of slag oxidability and bottom argon-blowing in ladle were researched as well.On this basis,refining process which is good for low oxygen steel producing with converter-continuous casting process has been developed.The results show that w([TO]) in steel is not more than 15×10-6.
(1.四川省成都市攀钢集团研究院有限公司 )
摘 要:为实现高品质低氧钢的生产,有效降低钢中全氧含量,在考虑转炉下渣、炉渣氧化性以及钢水氧活度影响的前提下,通过研究钢包渣改质技术、过程钢包渣氧化性控制技术以及相应的钢包底吹氩制度等精炼工艺,建立了转炉-连铸流程生产低氧钢的精炼工艺技术。采用该技术生产的高品质优特钢成品w([TO])≤15×10-6。
关键词:低氧钢; 夹杂物; 全氧含量; 精炼工艺