
Preparation of PLA and PLGA nanoparticles by binary organic solvent diffusion method


论文作者:蒋新宇 周春山 唐课文

文章页码:202 - 206

Key words:binary organic solvents diffusion method; nanoparticle; PLGA; PLA

Abstract: The nanopartides of polylactide (PLA) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were prepared by the binary organic solvent diffusion method. The yield, particle size and size distribution o# these nanoparticles were evaluated. The yield of nanoparticles prepared by this method is over 90%,and the average size of the nanoparticles is between 130-180 nm. In order to clarify the effect of the organic solvent used in the system on nanoparticle yield and size, the cloud points of PLA and PLGA were examined by cloud point titration. The results indicate that the yields of nanoparticles increase with the increase of ethanol in the acetone solution and attain the maximum at the cloud point of ethanol, while the size of nanoparticles decreases with the increase of ethanol in the acetone solution and attains the minimum at the cloud point of ethanol. The optimal composition ratio of binary organic solvents coincides to that near the cloud point and the optimal condition of binary organic solvents can be predicted.


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