


论文作者:罗顶飞 徐安军 田乃媛 李联生

文章页码:94 - 98

关键词:铬镍; 脱磷; 熔化性实验

Key words:Cr-Ni; dephosphorization; melting experiment

摘    要:为了在铁水预脱磷工艺中利用不锈钢炼钢厂含铬镍混轧铁皮及回收有价金属,按不同配比用含铬镍铁皮替代烧结矿粉,配成不同成分的脱磷剂,进行了熔化性实验和铁水预脱磷实验。实验结果表明,在脱磷剂中石灰、萤石等非铁成分与铁氧化物配比小于1的情况下,用含铬镍混轧铁皮替代50%的外购烧结矿粉的实验方案是可行的。

Abstract: In order to utilize Cr-and-Ni bearing rolling scales produced in stainless steel works in the dephosphorization process and recycled valuable metals,melting experiments of dephosphorizing agents and dephosphorization experiments of hot metal were carried out,with dephosphorization fluxes of varying compositions prepared with various proportion of Cr-and-Ni bearing rolling scales instead of sintering ore.It is feasible to use Cr-and-Ni bearing rolling scales to replace 50% of the sintering ore in dephosphorizer,with the ratio of lime and fluorite to iron oxide is less than 1 in the dephosphorization fluxes.




(1.北京市北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院)

摘 要:为了在铁水预脱磷工艺中利用不锈钢炼钢厂含铬镍混轧铁皮及回收有价金属,按不同配比用含铬镍铁皮替代烧结矿粉,配成不同成分的脱磷剂,进行了熔化性实验和铁水预脱磷实验。实验结果表明,在脱磷剂中石灰、萤石等非铁成分与铁氧化物配比小于1的情况下,用含铬镍混轧铁皮替代50%的外购烧结矿粉的实验方案是可行的。

关键词:铬镍; 脱磷; 熔化性实验

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