



文章页码:32 - 36

关键词:韧性剪切带; 显微构造特征; 小圆环带; 石英光轴; 广东阳春; 组构特征; 拉伸应变; 眼球状混合岩; 低温蠕变; 滑动系统

摘    要:广东省阳春县永宁地区混合岩韧性剪切带内的石英普遍具有低温蠕变产生的显微构造。石英光轴呈一种特殊的小圆环带组构,开展角为70°左右,带轴与面理平行.野外和室内的初步研究表明,这种小圆环带可能是在轴向拉伸应变下,主要由石英晶内(0001)〈1120〉滑动系统的活动形成的.

Abstract: The quartz microstructures developed in the migmatite ductile shear zone resulted from low temperature creep deformation at Yongning region Yangchun county,Guangdung.The C-axis fabric formed a small circle pat- tern with particular characteristics.The opening angles of the small circles are about 70°,and the direction of their axis is nearly parallel to the foliation.The preliminary studies both in the field and in the laboratory indicate that this kind of small circle may be formed because of intragran- ular glide of (0001) 〈11(?)0〉 system under axial extension.



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