


论文作者:符力平 陈小林 张庆营

文章页码:413 - 417

关键词:玻色子展开技术;能谱; E2跃迁;镱

Key words:boson expansion technique; energy spectrum;E2 transition ; ytterbium.

摘    要:采用玻色子展开技术研究了比铪更轻的镱核,计算了其6个同位素的能谱和3个核的电磁跃迁概率B(E2)。大量的实验数据可以用几个可调参数来拟合,其理论值和实验值的均方根差最大为514 keV,最小为60 keV。电磁跃迁概率对波函数的依赖关系比能谱对波函数的依赖关系更密切,对理论的检验也更严格。研究结果表明:B(E2)理论值和实验值的最大相对误差只有10%;可将玻色子展开技术应用于更大范围的核谱,且能够反映跃迁概率随能级复杂变化的情况。

Abstract: The boson expansion technique is applied to the study of the energy spectra and electric quadupole transition of the 6 ytterbium isotopes which are lighter than Hf isotope. A large number of experimental data can be fitted with a fewof adjustable parameters. The maximum root mean squre deviation (RMS) of energy between theoretical and experimental results is 514 keV, and the minimum is 60 keV. Compared with the energy, the electromagnetic transition probability must be calculated much stricter test to the theory, because it is more sensitive to the wave function. The maximum error of the transition probability of E2 (B(E2)) between theoretical and experimental results is 10% and the minimum is zero. It is shown that the boson expansion technique can fitmore spectra in larger range than before and reflect the complicated tendencyofB(E2) varying with energy levels.



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