



文章页码:62 - 65

关键词:Consteel电炉; 二次燃烧控制; 废钢预热

Key words:Consteel EAF; post combustion; scrap preheating

摘    要:以宁夏电投钢铁有限公司引进Consteel电炉为例,结合Consteel电炉工艺特点以及废钢在电炉中熔化和精炼时发生的化学反应阐述了Consteel电炉二次燃烧原理。Consteel电炉二次燃烧控制系统由操作站和PLC柜组成。以Simatic S7-400 CPU414-2 DP控制器为核心,基于Profibus网络和工业以太网进行数据通信。PLC控制程序采用Simatic Step 7编写,实现了预热段首端二次燃烧调节挡板控制、主烟道调节挡板控制、动态密封风机速度控制等功能。监控软件采用SCADA软件,可以输入与二次燃烧控制有关的设定值并显示监控数据。实际应用表明Consteel电炉二次燃烧具有节能降耗优势。

Abstract: Taking the imported Consteel electric arc furnace in Ningxia Diantou Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.as an example,based on process characteristics of Consteel electric arc furnace and chemical reaction of melting and refining operation in EAF,principle of Consteel post combustion is introduced.Consteel post combustion control system consists of operator station and PLC cabinet.The control system is designed with Simatic S7-400 CPU 414-2 DP,and Profibus network and industrial Ethernet are adopted to achieve data communication.PLC control program is written with Simatic Step 7 to achieve post combustion damper control,main flue damper control and dynamic speed control of sealing fan etc.functions.SCADA software is used to input of setpoint values associated with post combustion control and display of monitoring data.Practical application shows that Consteel post combustion can save energy and reduce energy consumption.





摘 要:以宁夏电投钢铁有限公司引进Consteel电炉为例,结合Consteel电炉工艺特点以及废钢在电炉中熔化和精炼时发生的化学反应阐述了Consteel电炉二次燃烧原理。Consteel电炉二次燃烧控制系统由操作站和PLC柜组成。以Simatic S7-400 CPU414-2 DP控制器为核心,基于Profibus网络和工业以太网进行数据通信。PLC控制程序采用Simatic Step 7编写,实现了预热段首端二次燃烧调节挡板控制、主烟道调节挡板控制、动态密封风机速度控制等功能。监控软件采用SCADA软件,可以输入与二次燃烧控制有关的设定值并显示监控数据。实际应用表明Consteel电炉二次燃烧具有节能降耗优势。

关键词:Consteel电炉; 二次燃烧控制; 废钢预热

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