论文作者:潘春跃 金乐 江文辉 唐新村 蒋呈奎
文章页码:954 - 958
关键词:锂离子电池; LiCoO2;容量间歇滴定技术;固相扩散系数
Key words:lithium-ion battery; LiCoO2; capacity intermittent titration technique; solid diffusion coefficient
摘 要:采用容量间歇滴定技术在充放电仪上测定了不同电压条件下嵌入型锂离子电池正极材料LiCoO2中Li+的固相扩散系数。研究结果表明:在3.9~4.3 V电压范围内, LiCoO2中Li+的固相扩散系数的数量级为10-13~10-12cm2/s,且在电压为3.95 V时达到最小,在电压为4.15 V时达到最大。整个充电过程中,当电压由3.95 V上升至4.15 V时, LiCoO2中Li+的固相扩散系数增大;当电压由4.15 V上升至4.20 V时, LiCoO2中Li+的固相扩散系数减小;当电压由4.2 V继续上升至4.3 V时, LiCoO2中Li+的固相扩散系数同样经历了先增大后减小的过程。
Abstract: The solid diffusion coefficient of lithium ion within insertion-host lithium ion battery of materials LiCoO2 was determined by capacity intermittent titration technique (CITT) under different voltages. The CITT test was performed on the batteries test instrument. The results show that the solid diffusion coefficient of Li+ varies nonlinearly from 10-12to 10-13cm2/s in the voltage range from 3.90 V to 4.30 V, and reaches the minimum atU=3.95 V and the maximum at 4.15 V. During the whole charging process, the solid diffusion coefficient of Li+in LiCoO2 increases when the voltage increases from 3.95 V to 4.15 V; but when the voltage rises from 4.15 V to 4.20V, the solid diffusion coefficient of Li+ in LiCoO2 decreases. Similarly, the solid diffusion coefficient of Li+ increases first and then decreases while voltage rises from 4.20 V to 4.30 V.