Petrel2ANSYS: Accessible software for simulation of crustal stress fields using constraints provided by multiple 3D models employing different types of grids


论文作者:潘懋 刘钰洋 刘诗琦

文章页码:2447 - 2463

Key words:numerical simulation of stress fields; corner-point grids; finite-element grids; Petrel; ANSYS

Abstract: Crustal stresses play an important role in both exploration and development in the oil and gas industry. However, it is difficult to simulate crustal stress distributions accurately, because of the incompatibilities that exist among different software. Here, a series of algorithms is developed and integrated in the Petrel2ANSYS to carry out two-way conversions between the 3D attribute models that employ corner-point grids used in Petrel and the 3D finite-element grids used in ANSYS. Furthermore, a modified method of simulating stress characteristics and analyzing stress fields using the finite-element method and multiple finely resolved 3D models is proposed. Compared to the traditional finite-element simulation-based approach, which involves describing the heterogeneous within a rock body or sedimentary facies in detail and simulating the stress distribution, the single grid cell-based approach focuses on a greater degree on combining the rock mechanics described by 3D corner-point grid models with the finely resolved material characteristics of 3D finite-element models. Different models that use structured and unstructured grids are verified in Petrel2ANSYS to assess the feasibility. In addition, with minor modifications, platforms based on the present algorithms can be extended to other models to convert corner-point grids to the finite-element grids constructed by other software.

Cite this article as: LIU Yu-yang, PAN Mao, LIU Shi-qi. Petrel2ANSYS: Accessible software for simulation of crustal stress fields using constraints provided by multiple 3D models employing different types of grids [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(9): 2447-2463. DOI:

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