Phase Equilibria in Zn-Al-Cu-Si System at 285℃
文章页码:113 - 118
摘 要:<正> As a part of the systematic investigationon phase relationships of Zn-Al based alloyscontaining Cu and/or Si, the equilibrium phasetransformations of the quaternary Zn-Al-Cu-Sisystem at 285℃ were investigated by using X-raydiffracti on, scanning electron microscopy andelectron probe microanalysis techniques. A five-phase of (α+β+εT’+σ) and a four-phase of (β+ε+η+σ) were detected separatelycoexisting in the Zn-Al-Cu-Si system at 285℃.Then the 285℃ isothermal section of Zn-Al-Cu-Sisystem (with 0.1% -Si content) was established,and an equilibrium reaction was determined at286℃ as the following pattern, β+T’=α+ε
摘 要:<正> As a part of the systematic investigationon phase relationships of Zn-Al based alloyscontaining Cu and/or Si, the equilibrium phasetransformations of the quaternary Zn-Al-Cu-Sisystem at 285℃ were investigated by using X-raydiffracti on, scanning electron microscopy andelectron probe microanalysis techniques. A five-phase of (α+β+εT’+σ) and a four-phase of (β+ε+η+σ) were detected separatelycoexisting in the Zn-Al-Cu-Si system at 285℃.Then the 285℃ isothermal section of Zn-Al-Cu-Sisystem (with 0.1% -Si content) was established,and an equilibrium reaction was determined at286℃ as the following pattern, β+T’=α+ε