Effect of chloride ion on bacterial pre-oxidation of arsenic-containing gold concentrate


论文作者:杨玮 覃文庆 刘瑞强 任允超

文章页码:1418 - 1424

Key words:chloride ions; arsenic-containing gold concentrate; pre-oxidation; bacterial adaptation; critical concentration


The bacterial pre-oxidation process of arsenic-containing gold concentrates and the bacterial activity under different chloride ion concentrations were studied by using a mixture of thermophilic strains TCJ domesticated in production. The experimental result shows that with different samples and leaching systems, the adaptability and Cl- tolerance of bacteria are different, and that appropriate chloride ion concentration is conductive to bacterial oxidation, while higher chloride ion concentration will inhibit the bacterial activity and affect the pre-oxidation performance. Under the present production conditions, TCJ can adapt to the changes of water quality in the source of water and its critical chloride ion tolerance value is 2.7 g/L.

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