
Thermal Shift of Energy Levels in the Eu2+-Doped Strontium Chlorophosphate

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths1993年第1期

论文作者:滕玉洁 黄竹坡

文章页码:66 - 68

摘    要:<正> The thermal shift of 5d energy level of Eu2+ doped in Sr5(PO43Cl have been measured in 10~700 K.A simulation calculation was worked out with a modified theoretical equation.


Thermal Shift of Energy Levels in the Eu2+-Doped Strontium Chlorophosphate


摘 要:<正> The thermal shift of 5d energy level of Eu2+ doped in Sr5(PO43Cl have been measured in 10~700 K.A simulation calculation was worked out with a modified theoretical equation.


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