

论文作者:于海燕 梁成浩 王兵

文章页码:202 - 205

关键词:电镀; SnAg合金; 可焊性镀层

Key words:electroplating; SnAg alloy; solderable coating

摘    要:研究了一种新型可焊性镀层—含银量 3%的锡银合金的电镀工艺 ,选择甲基磺酸亚锡和甲基磺酸银为主盐 ,柠檬酸钠、碘化钾和三乙醇胺为络合剂 ,研制了镀覆含银量为 3%的最佳镀液配方和施镀工艺条件。通过对镀层可焊性、抗高温氧化性能和表面接触电阻等性能的考察发现 ,低含银量的锡银合金镀层性能优于锡铅合金镀层 ,且镀液成分简单、性能稳定、无毒无害 ,具有广泛的应用前景。

Abstract: A new solderable coating SnAg (3%Ag) alloy is recommended as a substitute for SnPb alloy coating. The processes of electroplating SnAg (3%Ag) alloy from methanesulfonate bath were studied. The sorts of main salts, complexing agents and additives were determined. The bath functions such as stability, covering power, throwing power, current efficiency, deposition velocity and cathodic polarization curves were tested. The surface appearances were observed.

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