文章页码:276 - 279
关键词:黄原酸盐; 危害; 浮选
Key words:xanthate; hazard; floatation
摘 要:黄原酸盐对选矿技术进步起到了极大的推动作用,几乎所有品种的黄原酸盐均可作为泡沫浮选的捕收剂,且在这一领域的用量最大,但是黄原酸盐中存在剧毒成分。本文结合国内外的实践经验阐述了黄原酸盐的危害及应该注意的问题。
Abstract: The xanthate played a great role in promoting the flotation technology progress,almost all kinds of the xanthate could be used as a flotation collector,and it is widely used in the field of flotation.But there are highly toxic components in the xanthate.This paper combinate the domestic practical experiences with the foreign practical experiences to comprehensively elaborate the hazards of the xanthate and the issues should be noted.
摘 要:黄原酸盐对选矿技术进步起到了极大的推动作用,几乎所有品种的黄原酸盐均可作为泡沫浮选的捕收剂,且在这一领域的用量最大,但是黄原酸盐中存在剧毒成分。本文结合国内外的实践经验阐述了黄原酸盐的危害及应该注意的问题。
关键词:黄原酸盐; 危害; 浮选