论文作者:徐霭君 段嘉瑞
文章页码:453 - 459
关键词:显微构造; 糜棱岩; 面理; 石英; 长石; 云母; 金矿/河台
Key words:miorostructure; mylonite; foliation; quartz; mica; feldspar; gold deposit/Hetal
摘 要:河台金矿花岗质糜棱岩发育良好的糜枝岩面理,表现为石英条带、长石残斑扁平面和石英云母成分层劈理面的平行排列及一组分割性滑移面。它们形成的过程就是矿物显微构造发育过程。
Abstract: The well developed foliation of the granite mylonite in Hetai gold depositis represented by ribbon of quartz,plaiting surfaces of feldspar prophyro-clasts,parallelly arranged cleavage planes which are the layer of compositionincluding quartz and mica.and a set of separated slipping surfaces.The processof foliation development is just the mineral microstructure development.