The Effect of HDDR Process on Magnetic Properties in NdFeB Type of Bonded Magnets
来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths1993年第2期
论文作者:张正义 肖耀福 裘宝琴 董明
文章页码:111 - 114
摘 要:<正> The present paper describes the effect of alloy composition,homogenization anddehy-drogenization procedures on magnetic properties of NdFeB type of HDDR powders and the bondedmagnet.The results showed that the powders prepared by HDDR process possesses useful magnetic proper-ties and a better thermal stability than the sintered NdFeB magnet does.
摘 要:<正> The present paper describes the effect of alloy composition,homogenization anddehy-drogenization procedures on magnetic properties of NdFeB type of HDDR powders and the bondedmagnet.The results showed that the powders prepared by HDDR process possesses useful magnetic proper-ties and a better thermal stability than the sintered NdFeB magnet does.