论文作者:陈世柱 尹志民 胡林轩
文章页码:94 - 96
关键词:液雾氧化燃烧 纳米粉末 SnO2 In2O3
Key words:atomizing-combustion nano-sized powder SnO2 In2O3
摘 要:将Sn和In先熔炼成合金,然后通过气雾喷粉工艺,由高压富氧气体使合金熔体雾化成微细的金属雾滴,并随即在燃烧道中直接氧化燃烧而生成SnO2/In2O3纳米级复合的陶瓷粉末,其粒度≤25nm。
Abstract: After Sn and In being smelted an alloy, the superheated alloy is atomized into fine melted droplets by a nozzle, and the oxy-burning reaction occurs in burning tower immediately. Because oxygen content in the atomizing gas is very high, oxy-burning reaction is very intense, so the size of SnO2/In2O3 nano-size powder prepared is less than 25nm.